Polygonal Modeling Basics for Using Google 3D Warehouse Models

iClone functions best with a model that has a face count of 30,000 or lower. Each model in the warehouse has a complexity rating based on the number of polygons in the model. This rating is noted on the model information page and can help to some extent but a majority of models will fall into the Complex category requiring you to detemine its suitability on an individal model basis.

Terminology as defined by the Google Modeling Guide:

Edge or Line
- Geometry that divides and borders faces.
Face or Polygon (Poly)
- A two-sided, flat surface bound by at least three lines.
Low Poly
- Using a minimal number of edges and faces to limit file size and
increase computer performance.

Model complexity as defined by the Google 3D Warehouse criteria:

The number of polygons in a model determines its complexity.
"complex" = polygon count greater than 10000
"moderate" = polygon count between 1000 and 10000
"simple" = polygon count less than 1000

The Google 3D Warehouse model search:

Choose Advanced Search

A part of the Advanced 3D Warehouse Search page:

Advanced Search

The Complexity dropdown menu selector:

Dropdown Model Complexity Selector Any Simple or Moderate model will work. Make note of the poly count of Complex Models for use in 3DXchange or iClone. If you exceed the recommended count you will receive a warning from 3DXchange.

The 3DXchange face count warning:

3DXchange Face Count Warning

iClone Scene Manager with count outlined in red:

iClone Scene Manager

Polygonal Modeling Basics