Bezier Curve Tool with Soap Skin and Bubble Plug-in

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11. Select and Hide the transom half then select the Hull half:

Copy Paste In Place and Flip

12. Move the hull half to match the first half:

Hull Halves Joined

13. Unhide the transom half, Copy, Paste in Place, Flip along Red Axis and Move into place like you did with the hull half. Erase the middle line:

Copy Paste and Flip along Red Axis

14. Move the transom section forward to fit the back of the hull:

Move Transom Section Forward

15. Draw seats for the boat:


16. Texturize the boat with the Paint Bucket Tool Paint Bucket Tool:

Material Selection

Texture the Surfaces



17. Save the file in Sketchup with either "Save" or "Save As" and Open the file in 3DXchange. Align to GND, Align to Center, Highlight Items in Scene Tree and AUTO SMOOTH is so desired:

In 3DXchange

20. In iClone:

iClone Scene with Boat

*Scene contains Cartoon Masters actors, World Wilderness Volume 2 - Hollow Valley, 3D Warehouse props.

Bezier Curve Tool with Soap Skin and Bubble