Create Spring Props 

In this tutorial we will introduce to you the procedure in creating spring props in 3ds Max.

Concepts of Spring:

  • Spring is a string of nodes which all the child spring movement depends on the parent spring. Every node within a spring must have a parent/child relationship.


  • Spring may also form a tree structure.


  • Spring always returns back to the initial pose when it reaches to the end of the bouncing cycle.
  • Spring's movement acts only on translation not rotation.
Not on Rotation Only on Translation
  • Enough segments and skinning may affect the smoothness of the selected object. The upper one is the tail without enough segments and the lower one is the tail with an ample amount of segments.


Create a Spring Model

1. From the create menu, choose any preferred shape you want to use.


2. Click modify tab in the right side panel.

3. Go to the object's Parameters section. Make sure the objects' "Height Segment" is enough for the
    bending motion to be smooth.


4. Convert the object into "Editable Poly" by right-click on the selected object for the "Convert to" option
    menu to choose "Convert to Editable Poly".


5. Let's shape the model, what do you want your spring to look like?!


6. Smooth the object by applying "Smooth Mesh" to the prop.


7. Here is my prop after applying smooth mesh.

Before After

Create a Spring