Create LED Sign

Create a Plane for the Animated UV Maps

  1. Next up we need to create a plane for the sign graphics. This plane will be sign that contains the animated UV maps and mask. iClone 3 users will be able to change the graphics on the plane and the mask type if so desired.


  1. Go to the "Maps" section for "Diffuse Color" in Material Editor.


  1. Select "Bitmaps" in the Material Browser which pops up a dialog allowing you to browse to the map of your choice.


  1. Change the material name to "Sign Lettering" or something similar so it can be easily identified in iClone for alteration. Change the "Map Channel" to 2.


  1. After selecting your diffuse map you will also see the Glossiness Map and Opacity Map in the Material Editor below the Diffuse Color . Click the buttons next to them and go through the same process to load both maps but leave them on Map Channel 1.


  1. The same material slot will hold the Diffuse map, Glossiness Map and the Opacity map.


          In 3ds Max, the term glossiness stands for glow in iClone.

  1. Below is an example of the "Sign Map". Right click and "Save Picture As" to download. (Created in Photoshop)

  1. Below is an example of the "Sign Opacity Mask". Right click and "Save Picture As" to download. (Created in Photoshop)


Create LED Sign