This sample shows you how to deal with the character
root position when connecting 2 perform animations.
In this project you can test 2 perform commands and each has the same
animation clips.
The 1st perform command's animation clip is set with SampleTransform =
None, it means the character moves back to the original root once the
motion is played. The other one is set with SampleTransform = Snap,
which means the character sample the root location from the performed
motion, the next motion starts from the sampled
location- thus you will have aggregated animation.
In the following videos you will see the difference
between Sample Transform: None and Snap.
Sample Transform:
- Add a Perform Command and
rename the clip "Kick_NONE".
- Check "Lock Perform",
now this denies all the other commands from interrupting while the
selected command is in progress. When this is set you can ensure
that the character
will finish the animation clip before allowing the next clip to
Assign a hotkey to the selected command. Then you can use the hotkey
in Director Mode.
- Add an animation clip to the
Kick_NONE command. Open the motion Kick_Combo from
C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 3\Template\iClone
Noticed that Sample Transform has been set to "NONE". When
Sample Transform is NONE, the character will be dragged back the
starting position of the first motion. Therefore, the motion root
(the root the character has during the animation) and the bone root
(the actual location of the character relative to the entire scene)
will not more together. The motion root will move but then revert
back to the bone root which is in the original position.
Sample Transform:
- Add a Perform Command and
rename the clip "Kick_SNAP".
Check "Lock Perform", now this denies all the other commands
from interrupting while the selected command is in progress. When
this is set you can ensure that the character will finish the
performance without interruption.
Assign a hot key to the selected command.
- Add the same animation clip to
the Kick_SNAP command.
Sample Transform to "SNAP". When Sample Transform is SNAP, it
allows the next motion to start from the ending position of the
previous motion. Therefore, the motion root and the bone root will
move together, so therefore the next animation clip will be played
at the new position.