iClone3 White Paper



Create Walk Loop - Character Studio Pipeline

Character Studio can be used as iClone3 motion creator. Since we are exporting the motion into iClone3, we will need a biped skeleton with the similar structure as iClone characters.

Where to get Character Studio (CS) Bone?

It's not a problem to download Biped Skeleton that fits right into iClone3. Just go to our developer page on Reallusion website and click to download, "https://developer.reallusion.com/docs_ic.aspx". Well... I am in the developer's page now. Where is it?! Don't worry... I'll guide you to the location.

  1. Once you are in the Developer Page. Go to the "3D Studio Max complete Developer Guides" section.
  2. Download the file in "Sample files for iClone 3.0".

Note: Before you can proceed into the download section. You must be an "iClone Premium CCD Member". How to become a CCD Member? Well... all your answers are here: "https://developer.reallusion.com/default.aspx".

Import iClone Biped Skeleton

Reallusion produces all avatars' motion by using the definition built within iClone
compatible Biped Skeleton. This Biped Skeleton is well aligned with iClone G3 characters no matter what scale or size.

  1. Load iClone compatible Biped Skeleton that you have downloaded from the developer's page.


  1. Select the Biped Skeleton and turn on "Motion Tab" on the right side panel.
  2. Scroll down to the "Biped" section to activate "Footstep Mode" where you can create footsteps path for the biped to follow.


  1. Scroll down to the "Footstep Creation" section to activate "Create Multiple Footsteps". This will automatically create multiple footsteps that are equally spaced. This pop up menu lets you select which foot is the first priority to step out.


  1. "Create Multiple Footsteps" menu pops up. How many steps do you want your biped to go? Decide this all in this pop up menu. From this menu you can set all sorts of things. In this tutorial we will set the "Number of Footsteps" for the biped.


  1. Once all the settings are set. Click "OK" to confirm. Wow! Here are the steps created.


  1. Click the "Create Keys for Inactive Footsteps" button in the "Footstep Operations" rollout to create the keys for the biped to follow. After the keys are created, the biped is moved to the location of the first footprint.


  1. Notice all the keys on the Timeline? That's the result after applying the "Create Keys for Interactive Footsteps".


  1. Dragging the Time Slider and the biped will move through the available footsteps.


Create Walk Loop - Character Studio Pipeline